One of my greatest ambitions in my fine art modeling is to work with artists that share my passion for creating classic, tasteful, figurative and/or abstract and/or structural fine art nudes. Although I greatly respect and admire other forms of fine art nudes, including but not limited to, conceptual, emotive, experimental, erotica, fashion-esque...etc., it's not what lights my fire and passion deep within.
I think the most beautiful thing in the whole world is the human body. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for intrinsic reasons.
I've only worked with a few photographers that share my passion for figurative/abstract nude art. But every time I work with said photographers, I always come away from the shoot feeling that rush of adrenaline and the superb satisfaction of collaborating and creating impeccable art with extremely talented artists, not to mention I receive a few masterpieces for my portfolio.
Sylvie Blum is, no doubt, one of those few photographers I've had the utmost pleasure of working with. She has a true, passionate artist's heart, an exceptional eye and talent, and a generous, kind, and beautiful personality.

I'm extremely giddy to say that I will be working with her again soon.
Very soon, in fact.
We will be shooting together over the course of three days... next week! I'm flying out to LAX next Monday and staying in Hollywood September 7-10. I expect these sessions will be as wonderful and productive, if not more so, as our first session was.
I feel extraordinarily humbled and privileged to have such favorable regard of such a prolific and internationally renown fine art nude photographer. It makes my heart swell with joy!
Sylvie Blum !!!