That's what I'm expecting when I go on my roadtrip in a month. Something unexpected always happens. But I'm doing my best to prepare myself, and have started planning a 'Plan B.' Different routes... different options. The only thing I can't really prepare for is cancellations. Oh boy, the nemesis of the photography world. Perhaps I should instate a cancellation policy, but I don't know how often photographers really abide by those anyway.
But I'm still booking away, and still have room for a few more slots, especially on my way back to Minnesota. So if you're interested, hit me up at
Here is my revised map.
Although, if the weather is bad in the mountains, I will take I-25 south after my stop in Denver, head down to Albuquerque and then west on I-40 with a quick jump up to Las Vegas before Palm Springs. Going back home will be another story as I'm planning on heading up to San Francisco and then across Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.
So, anyway, I'm planning away. Hopefully my plans wont go too astray.
Next weekend I'm going to be modeling again for one of Doug Beasley's workshop at the Minneapolis Photo Center. It was a great experience last time, and I'm expecting the same, if not better, this time. It is already full, otherwise I'd offer registration information.
And I have quite a few life drawing sessions before my trip, so that will also be fun, as well as decent start-up capital for the trip.
Blah blah, sorry this is not the most exciting topic, but its been weighing on my mind a lot lately. So out it pours.

Bill Earle. From my recent trip out to PA.