You kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me
you stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams
Let there be love
let there be love
I hope the weather is calm as you sail up your heavenly stream
suspended clear in the sky are the words that we sing in our dreams
Let there be love
let there be love
let there be love
let there be love
Come on baby blue
Shake up your tired eyes the world is waiting for you
may all your dreaming fill the empty sky
but if it makes you happy
keep on clapping
just remember I'll be by your side
and if you dont let go its gonna pass you by
You kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me
you stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams
let there be love
let there be love
let there be love
let there be love
One of the classic bands of my time. I need to listen to them more...especially considering I have all their albums.
So my trip to the airport was a little more dramarific than I would have liked it to be. Yes, its all my fault.
My gram dropped me off a block away from the Government Plaza station downtown so I could catch the light rail to the airport. Well, I forgot to grab my phone that was charging from the car charger, and I didn't even realize it until I was halfway in my trip on the light rail. I asked to use two people's phones really quick for a local call, and both refused! WTF? Doesn't anyone trust one another these days? Its not like I was going to steal it for cryin' out loud. But anyways, when I got to the airport I rushed to find a payphone (yes, they still exist) and I called my gram and although very resistant, she realized the importance of having my phone so she agreed to make a trip to the airport. She had great timing too, because she arrived about an hour before my flight was supposed to leave, and at that time I sure was glad that I left super early.
Well, I get inside to get my e-ticket... only to find out that my flight didn't leave for another 3 hours. It had gotten rescheduled. Okay, that's better than an hour sooner, I would just have to kill some time. And a great way to do that is to go through security. Yeah... the TSA didn't like how many liquids & gels I had. Especially the slightly embarrassing ones. So I had to go over to the inspection table. It was hilarious though because of how embarrassed the TSA worker was. But he was super nice, young, pretty cute, very polite to me, and he kept thanking me for my patience. I would have been super annoyed if my flight was for the orginal time it was supposed to be, but because I had so much time to kill, and because he was easy on the eyes, I didn't care one bit. In fact I was pretty amused and happy that this was wasting some time. So I made extra nice and said something to the effect that "It's quite okay, you're just protecting us all and doing your job." He again thanked me for that.
So in the end, I got to keep all my extra stuff, so no harm no foul.
BTW, who else thinks that wi-fi in airports should be completely free? Salt Lake City does, and man, for that, this airport kicks ass.
Also, they should offer those neck pillows to everyone free of charge on the plane. Oh, but I rock and got one for filling on a Delta Skymiles Credit card application. Yeah, they wont accept me, but its all good, I got a FREE NECK PILLOW! You have no idea how excited I am...
Only a few more minutes until I can board my connecting flight from Salt Lake City to Portland. Spending all day in airports isn't my first choice of things to do, but its higher up on the list than you might think.

Bill Earle.