Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life Drawing

About two weeks ago, someone from deviantART stumbled on my site and offered an opportunity to model for a life drawing class that they were a student of. I gladly accepted, as being a part of a life/figure drawing class has been something I've wanted to do since I started modeling.

So yesterday was my first exposure to that environment, and although I was a bit nervous for the first 10 minutes or so, that anxiousness easily melted away. Everyone was so nice and appreciative, and very welcoming. The only uncertainty I had were my poses, as I didn't want them to be too dramatic.

So, I'm looking for more opportunities to be a life drawing model. I guess I'll have to get off the computer and start calling schools. Maybe a few of them have some summer classes.

My Poetry.


A shoot a couple weeks ago with Image Group; Gary Cook. I brought my ideas to him, and I really like the final result.


blueriverdream said...

That's really weird. Last weekend pretty much the same thing happened here. I've wanted to sit for a class or artist since I started modeling as well. Last Sunday I sat for an artist that contacted me through OMP and I felt like I stumbled through the evening.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it went well, Brooke. That's wonderful! And good idea to avoid poses that are "too dramatic". They can come across strained and amateurish. Artists are pretty easy to please, though. Best things to offer are poise, expressiveness, and a strong presence. Of course you have all those qualities already :-)

I enjoyed reading about your life class assignment. Hope you do many more.