I'm back from my vacation!

Matt and I had an amazing time, despite the so-so weather we had. Every day, save maybe one, there was rain. But not to worry, it was not nearly as bad as one would think especially as most of those days it also cleared up and were wonderfully sunny and beautiful.
A couple of the nights were clear and absolutely amazing. Thursday night Matt and I went out lightpainting on the shore, and we got to witness a spectacular red moon rise. It was one of the best moments on the trip, by far.
The trip wrapped up quite wonderfully with the arrival of Dave, Roberta and jolly ol' Lasha. Some of the best company in world. They were kind enough to feed Matt and I, and I think I kind of shocked Roberta with my
Sriracha consumption.
Matt and I had the pleasure of introducing Dave to a new area on the north shore that he had never seen before. I think he got a real kick out of it. We shot there all of Saturday late afternoon and night. It was absolutely wonderful, expect for the mosquitoes. I still have itchy bites all over me!
So I'm home for a quick respite and then Thursday I'm off to Allentown, PA until Tuesday. I'm very, very excited for the trip and shooting with some fabulous photographers, and hanging out with them, but I'm equally excited to see my utmost favorite band,
Metric, live for the very first time Friday night in Philly, hopefully accompanied by friend and fellow art model
Lela Rae. It will be awesome!
Here are some photos from my shoot with
Christopher Ryan, a fantastic art nude photographer from Lakeside, Montana (one of the only photographers of such high caliber from that huge state!). We had an amazing shoot, and I think it really shows from our photos. I'm so very happy with the results and having the opportunity to meet with and shoot with both Chris and his wife 'Tina. We will work together again, that I can promise you.

On a side note, my Facebook account got disabled for "misusing" the terms of their Code of Conduct. Which is completely oppressive and utter bullshit, but I'm purposefully being a pushover in order to get my account back. Here's a copy of what I sent them.
"I think my account was deleted by mistake. "Our Code of Conduct outlines the types of content we do not allow on the site. This includes any obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit photos, as well as any photos that depict graphic violence." Your code of conduct does not apply to any of my images, as they are artistic in nature and none of them are obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit. Nor do I have them viewable to the public and have them restricted to only my friends that are also in the same photographic field as I am. But if this is still not acceptable, I will take down all my images of that nature, and will stop importing my blog to my notes.
Please let me know what I have to do to get my account back."